How POLAR can help during COVID-19?

How POLAR can help during COVID-19?

02 June, 2020

POLAR continues to help support general practices and their patients during COVID-19. We have noticed less patients attending their General Practices to manage their chronic conditions. According to our de-identified and aggregated POLAR population health planning data there has been an overall decrease in chronic disease MBS items claimed within our EMPHN catchment.

Practices can use POLAR to find patients who are due for follow up with items of care, including:

  • Care Plans/Reviews (can be done via telehealth)
  • Nursing review items (can be done via telehealth)
  • Mental Health treatment plans/reviews (can be done via telehealth)

Health Assessments and other preventative health screening

We have developed POLAR Walkthroughs and business modelling resources to help general practices manage their patients during COVID-19. Look for the Jump to: links on the POLAR webpage.  Resource Link

We are happy to help your practice to find patient cohorts in POLAR - contact the Digital Health team at for assistance.