COVID safe plan

COVID safe plan

10 August, 2021

If you are not doing so on a regular basis now is the time to find your COVID safe plan and review it.

Has anything changed? Have staff left? Have new staff come on board? Do you need to change relevant staff roles and responsibilities? Do you need to conduct any training?

  • Where do you keep you plan? Do all staff know how to access it?
  • Have staff been notified of any updates or changes? How do you communicate this to your staff? Consider using daily huddles, intranet/internal emails, or a simple sign-off register.
  • Is the COVID safe plan part of your induction package for ALL staff?
  • Allocate a member of the practice team to read all COVID communications coming into the practice from EMPHN. What contingency do you have in place if this staff member is not available? Have you got back-up staff that have received training to perform this role? Have staff been identified in the COVID Safe Plan? Give that team member protected time to read EMPHN communications.
  • HealthPathways Melbourne is a great source of truth for both clinical and non clinical COVID-19 information in the one easy location.