The NEMHSCA professional development working party are a group of service managers and senior leaders from clinical and community mental health, AOD, family and carer and community services who meet on a monthly basis to develop free workforce development and capacity building events for the regional workforce.

The NEMHSCA PDWP in collaboration with the NEMHSCA Project Coordinator use their diverse service experience and understanding of workforce needs to develop and promote events and training activities.

The events are designed to enhance practice knowledge, update new programs and initiatives to staff, connect local services and improve care coordination across the NEMHSCA region.


Recordings and presentations of NEMHSCA events can be found here.

Relapse prevention - how to explore the early warning signs of psychosis

Relapse prevention cards and PowerPoint

Harm Reduction Approach Webinar

A Lived Experience of a Harm Reduction approach

Trauma Informed Care and responding to sexual abuse disclosure

Watch the webinar: