UPDATE: COVID-19 Vaccination

UPDATE: COVID-19 Vaccination

08 April, 2021

PHNs continue to act as the key local liaison point for private RACFs for the COVID-19 vaccination program. EMPHN is working alongside Aspen Medical and the Department of Health to provide communications and support to RACFs around vaccination schedule. We acknowledge there are a lot of concerns being raised from residents, staff and families who are waiting for their RACF to have a confirmed vaccination date.

EMPHN has received COVID-19 vaccination schedules up until Friday 14 May from the Department of Health. As soon as a schedule is provided to EMPHN, contact is made directly with all listed RACFs.

All RACFs who have a scheduled date have been contacted. If you are an RACF who has not been contacted with a scheduled date, we encourage you to continue discussions with residents, staff and families on consent and site preparedness while waiting. You may want to consider planning Influenza vaccinations during April while waiting to receive a date for COVID-19 vaccination.

For more information around Influenza vaccination see ATAGI Influenza Vaccination. Influenza vaccinations are recommended for all residents and staff.

At this stage there is no plan to expect all staff and residents to have received their influenza vaccination by 1st May 2021, as was the expectation last year. In addition, at this stage, it has not been mandated for all healthcare works or visitors to be vaccinated against influenza. It is important to note that there needs to be a two-week window between Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines.

If you have any questions, please send these to racfsupport@emphn.org.au.