The challenge with prescribing medicinal cannabis

The challenge with prescribing medicinal cannabis

by Dr Precious McGuire

06 June, 2019

In Victoria, any medical practitioner can prescribe a medicinal cannabis product for their patient, if they believe it is clinically appropriate to do so. However, according to this article from BMJ (first published on July 3, 2018) many patients in need are missing out, with only 28% of GPs feeling comfortable discussing medicinal cannabis with patients.

The first time I prescribed medicinal cannabis it took hours to work through the complex and confusing approval process.

The Medicinal Cannabis pathway is a new and practical resource to assist in alleviating this confusion and improving confidence; providing advice on all aspects of the process, from initial patient request to final supply. Specifically, the pathway covers initial assessment including products available and the prescribing indications and contraindications.

It outlines the entire process clearly, including both State and Commonwealth prescribing requirements and provides links directly to all required forms and the TGA’s single online application form. 

Regulations involving medicinal cannabis are rapidly changing. Always review current Victorian and Commonwealth regulations at the time of prescribing.

For information about screening, dependency, and withdrawal, check out the Cannabis Use and Dependence pathway.